Pregnant eyes shine
During pregnancy there are great hormonal variations that cause numerous changes in a woman’s body, and the skin is also affected. It is likely that throughout the first trimester you will see that you have acne, but you should not worry because it is something natural and momentary, as your skin will gradually return to normal as soon as the hormones are returning to balance.
When a woman becomes pregnant she knows that her body will undergo many changes and that she will have to live with some inconveniences such as back pain, sciatica, heartburn or insomnia, but the appearance of acne, especially in the first weeks, still surprises many pregnant women.
The exact cause of acne is unknown, although it is known that the origin lies in the changes in hormone levels mentioned above. Specifically, it is said that the increase in estrogen causes a greater production of sebum in the skin. This, together with dead skin cells, can lead to clogged pores and acne.
Red veins in the eyes pregnancy
The body’s skin can become sensitized for a variety of reasons, from environmental factors such as thermal fluctuation to internal triggers such as hormonal changes. While some people are predisposed to outbreaks of this condition, it is a very unpredictable situation that can appear at any time in a person’s life. It can also appear anywhere on the body, and it is important to understand that “sensitive skin” is not abnormal, let alone a disease.
While there is no real cure for sensitive skin, it can be treated and minimized through awareness. It is possible to effectively address the condition by understanding its “language,” along with that of the causes of sensitive skin and the stimuli that can make it worse.
The suppleness and elasticity of healthy skin are maintained by its natural barrier function, which protects it from external elements and limits excess water loss. A slightly acidic level is essential for this function, in order to support the skin in peeling or flaking and to defend it against daily aggressive factors, such as pollution, bacteria and allergens.
Cómo saber si estoy embarazada tocándome el cuello
Muchas de mis pacientes femeninas se quejan de acné, crecimiento de vello no deseado y otros problemas de la piel que sólo se han desarrollado desde que están embarazadas. ¿Son seguros los productos utilizados para este tipo de afecciones cutáneas benignas durante el embarazo, ya que es comprensible que las mujeres quieran tener el mejor aspecto posible en este momento tan importante de sus vidas?
A excepción de la hidroquinona, que tiene una tasa de absorción sistémica relativamente alta, y de la tretinoína, cuya evidencia es controvertida, estos productos actúan localmente y, por tanto, producen niveles sistémicos mínimos. En consecuencia, en la mayoría de los casos las mujeres pueden tratar estas afecciones cutáneas poco atractivas desde el punto de vista cosmético sin comprometer la seguridad de sus hijos no nacidos.
Changes in the skin of the face during pregnancy
It is well known that during pregnancy there are many changes that a mother experiences: from your lifestyle habits to the appearance of your skin, which could present spots, acne and stretch marks, everything will begin to change as a result of the baby on the way.
1. Use sun protection: according to Natalben, in the second half of pregnancy 70% of women develop spots on their faces known as chloasma, a hormonal and hereditary condition whose main trigger is the sun.
To prevent them, sun protection with full sunscreen is the best option. In addition, foods rich in vitamins B, such as dairy products, fish or whole grains, and E, such as nuts, green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils will be great allies.
3. Avoid swelling: According to the newspaper El Espectador, it is very likely that during pregnancy your legs, eyes and neck swell because estrogens, common hormones in pregnancy, contribute to fluid retention. It is recommended that you place cold water compresses under your eyes, do not sit or stand for long periods of time, elevate your legs whenever you can and find a comfortable position to lie down.