Handbook of cosmetic skin care

Skin care products

Do you have an Aesthetics and Beauty center, do you want to differentiate yourself from the rest of your sector, are you concerned about the future of our planet, the wellbeing and health of your clients and your own, are you looking for service, courses, workshops and training?

We are your ideal distributor. We work with prestigious brands of organic cosmetics with their own laboratories that guarantee the traceability and origin of all the raw materials of their cosmetics.

Qwetch chooses safe and sustainable materials for its products. Glass or stainless steel can be safely in contact with food and beverages, hot or cold, unlike plastic or aluminum. 100% safe and zero waste!

Solid Deodorants in balsam and Vegan. They will protect you all day long without clogging your pores or irritating your skin.  Plastic free and with organic ingredients.    With incredible scents. Don’t wait any longer. TRY THEM!

Cabin and spa protocols – (pdf)

In Swiss Beauty Argentina we offer totally personalized treatments and we consider of vital importance the previous diagnosis to guarantee the effectiveness, giving the desired results.

  Facial skin care treatments

We work with high quality pigments that do not contain iron oxides. The raw material quality of all pigments is guaranteed in accordance with the Swiss ResAp (2008)1 Resolution. All pigments have been further tested by independent accredited laboratories.

It is a dermopigmentation treatment, through the hair by hair technique a very natural result is obtained, giving shape and greater definition to your eyebrows. Portions of metal-free pigment are inserted with micro needles in the most superficial layer of the skin. It is mainly used for eyebrow drawing, whereby color pigments are permanently incorporated into the skin.

It is a technique used to give depth to the eyebrows and create a defined eyebrow makeup effect. Ideal for eyebrows that are too thin or lack of natural hair growth in some areas.

Cosmetology manual pdf

Science – Nature – Beauty Visit our Science – Nature – Beauty blog to discover interesting articles on skin science as well as consumer insights … read more

Research and development form the basis of CLR and our products. The product, its relevance to both our customers and the consumer are central to everything we do. Based on our broad and deep experience, we use the most modern methods and technology available. The results of our efforts are potent, relevant, safe and natural cosmetic active ingredients.

  How to take care of skin and hair while swimming

When we had the idea to deal with the topic of Body Positivity/ Body Neutrality, we quickly realized how complex this topic is. Everyone liked the idea, but when asked how positively they themselves feel about their bodies and how they see the topic in society, it quickly became clear that there is still a lot to move…

Meet us at @incosmetics Asia next week! We will be showcasing our latest active ingredient CutiGuard CLR™ – a refined approach to the first sign of #SkinAging, shortlisted for the #incosAsia innovation award!

Manual de aparatología estética pdf

Recetario de Cosmética Artesanal Casera Natural & Ecológica: Manual Avanzado de más de 300 Páginas para Aprender a Elaborar tus Propios Productos del Cuidado … ARTESANAL CASERA) (Spanish Edition) Kindle Edition

Sobre el autorSigue a los autores para recibir actualizaciones de nuevos lanzamientos, además de recomendaciones mejoradas.Ingrid PegueroContenido breve visible, doble toque para leer el contenido completo.Contenido completo visible, doble toque para leer el contenido breve.Ingrid Peguero es bloguera, emprendedora y escritora. Sus temas favoritos son los relacionados con la salud, como la cocina y la nutrición vegana vegetariana, el estilo de vida saludable y la espiritualidad. Sus aficiones favoritas son la lectura, los paseos al aire libre, la fotografía y la playa, entre otras. Comenzó a publicar sus obras en Kindler Publishing en 2016.Leer másLeer menos

  Skin care at home
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